Healthy Travel Tips: Easy tips to maintain a little bit better health while traveling.
Eating Healthy While Traveling
Maintaining a healthy routine while I’m away from home is really important to me. A few factors I think about when I’m gone:
- Choose a restaurant that offers fresh, wholesome recipes
- Letting myself indulge and enjoy the food wherever I am but incorporating healthy options like fruits and vegetables
- Maintaining balance – I was least excited by breakfast on my most recent trip to Spain and Italy so I stuck to eating a lighter meal then and chose lunch and dinner as meals to enjoy

Drink Water
Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. I find that as long as I drink water and stay hydrated, I am able to support my typical healthy lifestyle. My general rule on vacation is to have a minimum of two glasses of water at every meal + before bed so that I’m drinking at least eight glasses a day. Drinking water is not only good for the obvious, which is hydration, but it is also good for digestion and skin health. For more detailed benefits: 6 health benefits to drinking water.
Wash Your Hands
Traveling and taking public transportation, like planes and cabs, can be a sure way to collect germs. I used to always get sick after or when traveling because I would touch my face with my hands. Now, I make sure to bring hand sanitizer with me wherever I go, and wash my hands many times until I reach my destination. Warning: your hands will get more dry from this, so bring a moisturizer.
Walk For Exercise
Find and explore walkable places for exercise. Finding fun activities to do that include walking and being active are a great way to naturally add exercise to your travel plans. Whenever I’m away from home, I try to walk to as many places as possible and take as few taxi’s as possible. It not only saves me money on transportation, but it adds room in my budget to eat more… and who doesn’t want to eat more on vacation?! #balance

Travel Vitamins
Since I was two years old I’ve suffered with a sensitive stomach. First it was reflex, then abdominal migraines, then… you name it, I’ve probably dealt with it. The point is, my stomach is sensitive so discovering that vitamins actually can work was a life savor for me. My daily routine that I continue while traveling:
- AM supplements: OLLY Nutrition: Balanced Belly
- AM supplements: OLLY Nutrition: Probiotics
- PM supplements: Magnesium
Sleep In
Studies show that sleep is one of the most important factors to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Life is all about balance, so although you might not get your normal 10pm-6am nightly routine that you might have at home and you probably have drank a little more on a Tuesday than you typically would, you do have the option to not set your alarm and sleep in on vacation. So, why not take advantage of this special time where an alarm doesn’t need to be set and sleep in?!